Testing the waters with 3D modelling
I recently found a program called Art of Illusion and found it pretty fun and simple to get into. Made this goofy little painter guy in it.
I recently found a program called Art of Illusion and found it pretty fun and simple to get into. Made this goofy little painter guy in it.
woah, I didn't know about that software, but I'm digging its aesthetic. I should check it out sometime
Art dump time! I designed Lago the Curious Bunny for a class project where we had to design a player character for a hypothetical game, and reused them for the course final. The type of game I proposed would be a cutesy Metroidvania not too far off from Hebereke/Ufouria: The Saga.
Kicking off the release of Roxy's new program with this joyously squishifying bunny!
A not quite as happy bunny as my other ones.
New music time! Woohoo! Oh yeah!
Percussion is B'Bars 1 from Uncivilized G'rooves, while the organ is from VSCO-2-CE, and the bass/sax are from FreePats.
this is your 69th post it looks like, and it's a pretty nice one indeed
Season's Greetings from the bunnies.
What if Xenia but Klonoa-style.