Follower Survey Results + Forum Thoughts

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Follower Survey Results + Forum Thoughts

Post by Jess »

🦊Recently we did a survey to find out where our followers are and where they're looking at our art. You can check it out here: ... ey-results

Surprisingly, this forum beat out Telegram, Kofi, Weasyl, and even Twitter. We were wondering if we should close the forum, but it seems like people still check in on it, but maybe they don't know what to post?

So, let's here it. What can we do to make it so you want to post here? The categories we started with were just seed categories, but we're open to anything, so hit us up with suggestions. We check the forum several times a day too, so yea, hit us up

We are Roxy, Mika, Ashe, and Willow. We own the place. Website Discord

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Re: Follower Survey Results + Forum Thoughts

Post by kkzero »

Oh man, I'm already the one dishing out new threads/posts here out of the blue every now and then. Thus I feel it's kinda hard for me to assess what'd help others get back into it, seems like we had a nice run of everything talking about the stuff they like and all for a bit, then just lurkin'.

I do feel the categories as they are are pretty decent, and that there are some examples of threads that could give ideas of things one could contribute, but I'm just one voice on the matter, let alone someone already with plenty of the activity here.

I guess the one thing I could think of, maybe some sort of "How y'all doin?" sort of space, sorta like, say, the Talk of the Day thread on the Metconst forums. I dunno, just a way of better warming up a sense of community here.

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Re: Follower Survey Results + Forum Thoughts

Post by Jess »

🦊I love the idea of a "thoughts of the day" thread and I'm gonna put one right away

We are Roxy, Mika, Ashe, and Willow. We own the place. Website Discord

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