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Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:20 am
by NinTheFolf

This is something I"ve been having fun with recently, Retro Achievements.
Basically, it plugs into your emulator and looks at the various states the game is in, and gives you achievements when you do certain things. Be it beat a level, beat a boss with certain conditions, get a certain score, what have you!
It's been a fun excuse to dust off some games from my childhood and play them again. Been playing through Yoshi's Story again recently and maaaan. That game is a lot tougher in spots than I remember...xD

Re: Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:21 pm
by RobinVinter

Remember making an account waaaaay back when I first installed EmuDeck but since I've procrastinated on setting up the emulators so there is little to be seen there, guess I should bite the bullet and just spend an evening getting it running :neofox_flop:

Re: Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:01 pm
by kkzero

Haven't used it myself (there's an account with my name but it's not me lmao) but there are sets there for three of my meme hacks, which makes me feel honored and amused at the same time.

Re: Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:14 pm
by Jess

oh yea I've heard of this! it sounds like a cool concept but I haven't messed around with it personally

Re: Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:43 am
by RobinVinter

There, finally got most of the emulator stuff worked out (haven't tested 'em all yet but so far things seems to just work) and the account is tracking my progress. Wish it had Wii U support because I've been struggling to find the motivation to finish Xenoblade Chronicles X but I suppose the same could be said for Gran Turismo 4 :neofox_flop_sleep:

Re: Retro Achievements

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:08 pm
by NinTheFolf

Iirc the next thing they're working on is gamecube support. And maaaan am I gonna get lost when the get that up and running, haha.