Project Arnica

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Fox Pal
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Re: Project Arnica

Post by MetalPetal »


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Fox Pal
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Re: Project Arnica

Post by Efi »

this looks really good! if you need any help, you can ask me directly, I have been making games for years and I understand most parts of godot pretty well =3


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Fox Pal
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Re: Project Arnica

Post by MetalPetal »

It is time to post concept art instead of gameplay gifs. I have been slowly beginning to draw up the various creatures and things that will inhabit this world, as well as the world itself. So here is some loredumping.


The Eggrust

Whatever purpose these ovoid robots were once created for has been lost to time. The Eggrust is only just capable of continuing to move. They will attack any living creature that they manage to trudge up to, but these strikes are pathetically weak. They can be dismantled with little effort, practically falling apart after just a few hits.


The Zockley Bog

A strange, otherworldy marsh that is located within the Badlands. Despite the arid conditions in the rest of the desert, the bog is full of vegetation. Unfortunately this vegetation is incredibly poisonous, and hides even more dangerous fauna.


The Chickensnake

The apex predator of the Zockley Bog which it calls home, the Chickensnake is an extremely territorial beast. Anyone foolish enough to get within the creature’s personal space will have to contend with a stream of energy waves the Chickensnake can fire from its eyes, and a lethal tail whip for those brave enough to get close.


The Zalker

A sapient plant that lives all over the world, the Zalker can be found in almost any area that has a moderate climate and large bodies of liquid. They are surprisingly hardy despite their unassuming appearance, and will even tolerate someone standing on their head for a ride.

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Fox Pal
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Re: Project Arnica

Post by MetalPetal »

I have implemented the Brooch system. This was the biggest remaining thing to do for the engine of the game, and I was gonna put it off until I found out that to implement my shop system, I will need these things in the game. So after a few hours of very painful UI work and trying to figure out how to get Godot to recognize custom resources, I managed it.


So to start here, Brooches can be equipped at specific places, and the player can choose from a list of any that they have. Starting out, you have two slots you can equip Brooches in, but as you level up you can unlock up to 5 slots for equipping these things.

Of course that now begs the question, what IS a Brooch?


The Crescent Swirl. This Brooch causes the player's melee attack to fire out a strong projectile with an arc that returns towards them after some time. This projectile is unique as it is capable of hitting a single target multiple times if they stay in contact with the projectile.


The Vampire Fibula. When this Brooch is equipped, the Vampire Gauge is activated. Whenever the player deals 4 hits of physical damage to enemies, they will gain 1/6 of their Max Health back.

Brooches can be almost anything actually. They take the role of equipment from your standard RPG, and remix it in a way that fits a Platformer. Brooches can be projectiles, new companions, inflicting debuffs on enemies, support for yourself, and even more. I mean it when I say that a Brooch can literally do almost anything. As the player goes throughout the game, they can find more and more Brooches to mix up how you approach the world in Project Arnica. The two I showed here are only two of the near two dozen I have planned for the game.

Completing this system ALSO completes the biggest remaining system in the engine. Everything from here will simply get smaller and smaller.

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Fox Pal
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Re: Project Arnica

Post by MetalPetal »

The work continues, as it always does.


Status effects are now fully working within the game, they even persist between scenes correctly. This is the Poison effect.


This is the Ignite effect.


I also decided to take a break from big game systems (I did like 4 of them back to back) to add some smaller fun projects. Breakable items are a great addition for any platformer, and I want a variety of them appearing through the game.


Finally, and probably most importantly of everything I have done recently is that I finally went and added proper support for scaling resolutions. Previously the game was hard stuck at 1280x720, but now you can literally resize the window however you want. I probably need to hard limit the distance you can see though.

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